
(this page is not often up to date. Please contact us)

Of course we speak english. But please, take in consideration that, in ours mail discussions, we are better in writing french article than speaking a perfect english. 👍 but our globish is good enough.

So, you want to advertise on CanardCoinCoin ? Most of our visitors have cryptocurrencies or want to get somes or invest in news cryptocurrencies.

CanardCoinCoin is a targeted audience for cryptocurrency, and for a francophone readership.

Audience :

  • 90% man
  • of which ~39% mobile and tablet
  • 24-44 years old people : 44%

For more details on site statistics: only serious advertisers will have an answer. (serious site, and mail pro @ yourdomain, etc)


  • Sidebar 300 × 250
    • TOP position
    • SECOND position
  • Footer 300 × 250
  • In article 728×90
    • TOP position
    • IN position

Other possible locations on request.

Sponsored article/Content

We translate your article (english to french)

  • Press release -like
  • Presentation of your token offering


  • Target 4k up to 10k telegram users


Condition: do not compete with CanardCoinCoin, or on a keyword at our discretion

Prices are usually set once a month. And may also vary depending on whether your site is in direct competition with Canardcoincoin.

Payable in cryptocurrency or fiat. The campaign begins after payment.

CanardCoinCoin got a lot a page view / month. (for the stats, contact me.) With your email pro you @ yourdomain.tld only and active website)